Workgroup Outputs

The ISCOME Workgroup is actively publishing books and journal articles that have been generated on the knowledge integration track of ISCOME’s strategic research framework. In addition, six interdisciplinary teams are now generating and conducting evidence-based research agendas to inform contributions of communication science to six hot buttons of safe and high quality care. 

The following constitutes a list of outputs that the ISCOME Workgroup has generated to date, organized by the respective research tracks of ISCOME’s strategic framework:


Journal articles:

  • "Using and choosing digital health technologies: a communications science perspective." Authors: Ovretveit J, Street R, Thimbleby H, Thilo F, Hannawa AF. J Health Organ Manag. (2017, see
  • "Patient and family empowerment as agents of ambulatory care safety and Quality." Roter DL, Wolff J, Wu A, Hannawa AF. BMJ Quality & Safety (2017,
  • Open-access special issue: „Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Medical Error“, Journal of Public Health Research (2013), accessible here.


  • Textbook for medicine: „New horizons for patient safety: Understanding Communication -- Case Studies for Physicians." Authors: Annegret F. Hannawa, A. Wu, R. Juhasz. Foreword by Sir Liam Donaldson. 2017.
  • Textbook for nursing: "New horizons for patient safety: Safe Communication -- Evidence-based core competencies with case studies from nursing. Authors: Annegret F. Hannawa, A. Wendt, L. Day. Foreword by Pat Benner. 2017.


Journal articles:

  • “Medical error disclosure, interpersonal forgiveness, and outcomes”, Authors: Hannawa AF, Shigemoto Y, Little TD, Journal: Social Science & Medicine (2016, see

Funded projects:

  • Project title: “Toward an interdisciplinary conceptualization of medical error disclosure competence (MEDC)”, Methods: Focus groups and social scientific experiments; Funded by: Swiss National Science Foundation (Principal Investigator: A. F. Hannawa).