Sebastiano Bagnara
Sebastiano is the founder and president of BSD, a design studio, has introducedand promoted the notions and the practices of cognitive ergonomics and interaction design in Italy and worldwide.
Sebastiano also teaches Human Factors at IUAV-University of San Marino Graduate Program in Design.
He was chair of Cognitive Psychology at the Department ofArchitecture and Urban Planning University of Sassari at Alghero, where lead the program in Design. He served as General Secretary the International Ergonomics Association, as Chairman the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics and the Italian Society of Ergonomics, and as Director the Institute of Psychology of the National Research Council, and of the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Siena.
Sebastiano wrotemore than two hundred scientific papers, and authored or edited a dozen of books (among the others, edited (with Gillian Crampton Smith)Theories and Practice of interaction Design), and acted as consultant for Abi, Agip, Aipa, Cassa Risparmio Firenze, Chamber of Deputees, CNIPA, Elsag, ENEA, Enel, Fiat, Formez, IBM, Ina-Assitalia, Infocamere, Infostrada, IOL, Isfol, IRI Management, Macquarie, Montell, MIUR, Olivetti, Omnitel, Macquarie, Monte Paschi di Siena, Pfizer, Poste, Rai, Regione Lombardia, Regione Toscana, Saipem, Sogei, Technimont, Telecom, Tim, Vodafone, Wind.