Roberto Satolli
Roberto Satolli, aged 66, from Milan, worked as a cardiologist for a decade before deciding to focus on scientific journalism and critical information on Science & Society issues.
Having been editor in chief of the weekly magazine Tempo Medico, he founded the magazine Occhio Clinico, which was aimed at general practitioners.
With a group of fellow professionals, he set up the scientific information and education agency Zadig, which works with a large section of the Italian publishing industry and of the public health services on the themes of science and medicine in relation with society.
He writes medicine and health columns for various periodicals, including Espresso and Corriere Salute. He founded the web journal Scienceonthenet (the Portal of Italian research in Europe), on behalf of the Gruppo 2003 for scientific research, with a competitive grant from the Italian Ministry of Research.
As director of Zadig, he is partner of some FP7 European Projects, as Circe, Tell Me, Ecran, Assett; and of the Horizon 2020 project Lifepath.
He has had several scientific and educational books published, including “Dizionario di storia della salute" (Einaudi), “Lettera a un medico sulla cura degli uomini" (Laterza), “I due dogmi” (Feltrinelli).
He has been chairman of the Ethical Committee of the Istituto dei Tumori in Milan, from 2004 until 2013 and is now chairman of the Ethical Committee of ReggioEmilia; he is member of the Board of Directors at Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan.