Knowledge Generation

New Projects

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Ongoing Projects - Closed Groups

“Medical Error Disclosure Skills (MEDS): International Evidence from 10 Focus Groups in Switzerland and Italy.”

Authors: Hannawa AF*, Rosset D, Kostova Z
Outlet: tbd
Timeline: 1 June 2016 – submission deadline

“U.S. Health Care Managers’ Perceptions of Quality: Does Communication Matter? Evidence from Episodes of Care.”

Authors: Amati R*, Hannawa AF, Kaissi A, Bellandi T, Brook R
Outlet: medical/quality journal (tbd)
Timeline: 1 July 2016 – submission deadline

“Appropriate Disclosures: Experimental Evidence from Switzerland and and the USA.”

Authors: Hannawa AF*, Little T, Shimkowski J
Outlet: tbd
Timeline: 1 September 2016 – submission deadline

“The Medical Error Disclosure Competence Model (MEDC): First Empirical Evidence from Switzerland and the United States.”

Authors: Hannawa AF*, Little T, Shimkowski J
Outlet: tbd
Timeline: 1 December 2016 – submission deadline

“Medical Errors: Disclosure and Forgiveness”

Authors: Hannawa AF*, Little T, Shigemoto Y
Social Science and Medicine
Timeline: Revised & resubmitted in December 2015; under second review