Sunday, 14 June 2015

Time Event

2:00 pm

Conference Registration (open until 5 pm)

4:00 pm

Guided Wine Tour (social event for speakers -- additional fee)


Monday, 15 June 2015

Time Event

7:45 am

Conference Registration (open until 5:00 pm) 

8:00 am

Informal Gathering with Water Tasting

8:45 am

Opening Address, Annegret F. Hannawa, Ph.D. (ISCOME President), Dr. Giuseppe Bellandi (Mayor, Montecatini Terme), and Dr. Tommaso Bellandi (Centre for Patient Safety, Tuscany/Italy)

9:30 am

Plenary: “The Error(s) of our Ways: Communicating Competently for Health and Safety,” Brian Spitzberg, Ph.D. -- Chair: Annegret Hannawa

10:30 am

Coffee Break

11:00 am

Workshop “Handover skills;” Giulio Toccafondi and Sara Albolino


Oral Presentations “Front-line experiences in quality and safe care”
Respondent: Debra Roter
Chair: Laura Rasero


Speedy Presentations “Reporting; Technology; Diagnostic error”
Chair: Elena Beleffi

12:00 p.m.

Oral Presentations “Innovations for healthcare quality and safety”
Respondent: Antonio Rizzo
Chair: Pascale Carayon (Wisconsin-Madison, HF training – Monday)


Speedy Presentations “Patient involvement; Litigation”
Chair: Elena Vegni

1:00 pm


2:00 pm

Roundtable Discussion: “Cross-Professional Communication and Patient Safety” -- Chairs: Debra Roter and Rick Street
Panelists: J.Øvretveit, B.Spitzberg, A.Wu, R.Juhasz, A.Rizzo

3:30 pm

Coffee Break

4:00 pm

Plenary: “Human Factors in Patient Safety,” Sebastiano Bagnara, Ph.D.; Riccardo Tartaglia, M.D. -- Chair: Tommaso Bellandi, Ph.D.

5:00 pm

Poster Session with Aperitivo


Workshop "Supporting the Second Victims of Adverse Events," Albert Wu, M.D.


Workshop “Using evidence and research to assess and improve patient and provider communications,” John Øvretveit, Ph.D.

8:00 pm

ISCOME 2015 Conference Banquet


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Time Event

8:00 am

Conference Registration (open until Noon) 

8:30 am

Speedy Presentations “Handover; Communication skills; Education”
Chair: Giulio Toccafondi


Informal scholar-to-scholar meetings with Live Classical Music

9:30 am

Plenary: “Clinician-Patient Communication and Health Outcomes,” Richard Street Jr., Ph.D. -- Chair: Wayne Beach 

10:30 am

Coffee Break

11:00 am

Top Paper Panel
Chairs: Annegret Hannawa and Tommaso Bellandi

12:00 p.m.

Top Student Paper Panel
Chairs: Annegret Hannawa and Tommaso Bellandi

1:00 pm


2:00 pm

Roundtable Discussion: “Provider-Patient Communication and Patient Safety” – Chairs: John Øvretveit and Brian Spitzberg
Panelists: D.Roter, W.Beach, W.Afifi, R.Street, J.Pham, E.Vegni

3:30 pm

Coffee Break

4:00 pm

Plenary: “Horizons for Patient Safety,” Sir Liam Donaldson, M.D.
Chair: Annegret Hannawa

5:00 pm

Roundtable Discussion: “Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Patient Safety” – Chairs: Brian Stafford and Roberto Satolli
Panelists: J. Bacou, S. Bovenga, N. Dhingra, G. Gensini, B. Kutryba, F. Vimercati

6:00 pm

Closing remarks on ISCOME 2015, Annegret F. Hannawa, Ph.D. 

6:30 pm

End of ISCOME 2015 Public Conference